this magical time of year mean to you?
Really...I want to know! (Comment to give your thoughts.)
For me, this Christmas holds an immense promise, a previously untouchable gift. I get to be a mom!!
Don't misunderstand me. I have been a career-mom for nearly 6 years now.
However, life's circumstances, to which my previous blogs have eluded, have directed me in a position of juggling nannies and daycares and last-minute phone calls to grammys (both far away) to come to the rescue when I had to travel.
When a Harvard-educated doctor told me that "natural conception" would be impossible, I put all my human stock into him.
When Chris and I met, those "impossible" statistics were proven wrong...x 2!!
Despite the miracle of Lucy and Henry, we've had to work to make ends meet. I won't get into the messy financial details, but we barely survived, credit cards and all!
And now, nearly six years after our beloved Lucy curled her tiny pink fists in protest to the doctor as she fought her way into life, I am able to be a full-time stay at home mom.
What does Christmas mean to you? What do you wish for? How crazy or impractical is it?
After you think about that....ask yourself this: is it really impossible, or are you MAKING it impossible?
I'm so happy... :) :) :) :) :)
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